Monday, 2 January 2012

Final Concept Art Poster And Evaluation

My Final Concept art Poster. I did Have a bit of trouble throughout the unit in confidence, but At the end I feel I've done much better than I excpected, I feel a lot more confident with drawing and photoshop and it all has been fun! As an evaluation, I started having a lack of confidence with my drawing and I was panicking to put together the final poster. My first poster attempt was really bland and I did not like any of it. When I started on my second attempt which is the poster Above I still found it difficult to make a poster which would look good and not just black and white poster just coloured over. I slowly got to grips with Photoshop more and I really started to enjoy it and relax more when doing work. I found the whole term fun because I had a massive confidence boost and now feel a lot better when working and drawing.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Unit 72 Concept art

Concept art is any type of illustration to show visually a representation of a idea or design. It is used in films, video games, animation and comic books. It is part of the very eraly development stages, in the early stages of creating films, video games e.t.c. It is a rough idea of a design for a character, location or props. This is the artist drawing and annotating ideas onto paper to develop from.
It started to come along in the earl 1930's. It can be found in early animations made by the animation part of Disney. It first started to be used as part of the animation industry. It has been thought to come along as part of automotive designs for concept cars.
The main two types/genres of concept that branch off to smaller types are realistic and fictional. Within the branch of Fictional can be genres like futuristic, Fantasy and Steampunk. While in the Realistic Category can be genres like Urban and Traditional styles of concept. The other two main categories are 2D and 3D, which any of the previous genres mentioned can be categorised in.
By Skull Dixon from deviant art. This is a good example of a Steampunk type concept. Its A mixture between tradition and futuristic. This is fictional concept art.
I like this Particular piece of concept by Naughty dog in 1995. its a early character development of the main villain Neo Cortex from the Game Crash Bandicoot. What I like about it is that its a completely new individual character look. He has a big head to show that he has brains, meaning he is smart. He is varied in the shots but still sticking to some same points in each piece.